Kony tool developed by java spring.java using java virtual machine and android using DELVIC virtual machine.
etc...refer chandyblogspot.com
Needed equipement-->Kony tool(two type:1.Kony Visualizer 2.Kony Enterprise)
Install ---> Kony Visualizer and android SDK and Api can check by POSTMAN.Can share file with IPmsg.and Eclipse.
(Object service)-> | (Integration)
mobile ------ Mobile fabric(Middleware) -------- Webservices(here data getting from db as json obj)
(Orchestration) |
Main components 1.Integration 2.Orchestration 3.Object Service 4.Engagement(Push Notification) 5.Offline(Sync) 6.Identity
Description: first create DB(anything else mysql,sql,etc...) and create web service by using JAVA code use eclipse its provide json web service.
Its can get data from json webservice(what we create from db with eclipse)just like localhost.MobileFabric service used can perform get post like operation.
Step 1: create service via New configure.then paste base url and give next give controller and (save & operation).
Service type: JSON,relation DB,Object Model.
while using relation DB and we have to give Some path and username(root) and password(root).
(below is Understandability explanation)
Identity:For allow only authorized user
Integration: providing various sevices for application
Orchestration: multiple service added in single app.(example,Flibkart oreder then inner can get food order)
Objects:Access db with Object Model.
Offline:auto offline msg.
Engagement:push notification.
Below is from Kony Guide
Identity: Provide an authentication service for your app.
Integration: Provide various services for your app.
Orchestration: Add multiple services to your app.
Objects: Create app models for LOB objects and service-driven objects.
Synchronization: Upload the sync file required for synchronizing your app and server.
Engagement: Upload various certificates to the platforms for pushing messages.
The preprocessor or postprocessor name must start with com.kony or com.konylabs.
Both preprocessors and postprocessors can perform the following tasks on the data that is passed to a service, or data that is retrieved from a service call:
Filter the data.
Change the format of the data.
Add or delete data.
Sample Preprocessor
The following is a sample preprocessor file:
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import com.konylabs.middleware.common.DataPreProcessor;
import com.konylabs.middleware.controller.DataControllerRequest;
import com.konylabs.middleware.dataobject.Result;
import com.konylabs.middleware.session.Session;
public class TestPreProcessor implements DataPreProcessor
...public boolean execute(HashMap hm, DataControllerRequest dcRequest, Result result) throws Exception
.........//Write application logic here
.........// if true is returned then service call and post processor are invoked. If false is returned, then service call and post processor are not invoked.
......return true
Sample Postprocessor
The following is a sample postprocessor file:
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import com.konylabs.middleware.common.DataPostProcessor;
import com.konylabs.middleware.controller.DataControllerRequest;
import com.konylabs.middleware.dataobject.Param;
import com.konylabs.middleware.dataobject.Result;
public class TestPostProcessor implements DataPostProcessor
...public Object execute(Result results, DataControllerRequest dcRequest)
......//Write application logic here to modify the results returned from the service
......// return Result object here
...return results;
(example above processor):perform string concat for got input and change username and password from UI.
process file two type:JS and JAVA
JS:can write directly for operation
JAVA:here use jar file
step to add jar for processor:
2.API management ->custom->add new->browse file
3.goto service advance select jar and bottom of that add URL write class Name(Sample:com.package.classname)
NFI(Native Function key integration)
Just want to import Java backage name and use function.Example(CALL and SMS)
FFI(foreign function integration)
Just want to import Java backage name used third party option and use function.Example(TOAST and ADD ,MULTIPLE,DIVIDE function)
Android Studio
go to android gradle file is importent.
file here two type ->jar & arr file. jar file contains functionality only but arr file contains xml and Java function.
first open new project change Gradle file(like .net app state) package name change top first line and Command app id.if you jar library mean change com.name.library
and click Top dropdown button click app there and saee bottom menu list click released and signed apk
and goto left side build app button and saw arr file from there.
if you want to create toast like FFI in android studio for kony means before all want get KonyWidgets.jar file from kony
then start androied stdio task after completed release and sign get arr file.
if u want create arr or jar file by Eclipse mean first want add android and kony pack file in eclipse.and make it and get result.and import it to kony project.
we can get anroid package from SDK manager.
Note:Arr file contains jar class file.(jar in arr file).
File->New project->others->Javaclass
Note: push notification)
last Rightclick->export -> file name and click ok
To set app lifecycle events, do the following:
In Kony Visualizer, open the project for which you want to set action sequences for the app's lifecycle.
From the Project tab of the Project Explorer, click either Mobile, Tablet, Desktop, or Watch. The Visualizer Canvas displays text indicating that you can define app life cycle events from the Properties Editor.
On the App Events tab of the Properties Editor, click the Edit button of the app lifecycle phase for which you want to create action sequences. Doing so opens the Action Editor. All four available app channels consist of the following app lifecycle phases:
Pre Appinit. Pre-initialization, which refers to that part of the app lifecycle after the app is launched but prior to it loading.
Post Appinit. Post-initialization, which refers to that part of the app lifecycle after the app has loaded, but prior to the displaying of data.
App Service. Refers to the launching of background services that the app relies upon.
Deeplink. Refers to creating services links in your app that enable third-party native and browser applications to connect to your app, providing a unified and seamless experience.
Additionally, the Tablet channel includes the following two app lifecycle phases:
On View State Change. Refers to any time the state of the view changes between portrait and landscape, or between normal view and full screen.
On Search. Refers to any time a search is initiated.
Using the Action Editor, create the action sequences you want. For more information, see Add Actions.
Note: {Collection of programs is called software}{Set of coding is called Program}{Set of instruction is called coding}
Note:{ip msg filehippo}{postman for check our output with correct formet}
Note :SDK ddms for Debug application
Get output in device using Cmd prompt Hints
adb devices
adb install (drag app apk here).
adb -s install (drag app apk here).its for while device connected in pc
Get output in device using Path menu
menu ->BUILD->EMULATOR and device config get reference->kony visulizer->devices->android->selct device
using fabric means get menu ->BUILD->EMULATOR and device config get reference->kony visulizer->kony fabric->validate
If your using mobile fabric data mean have to select your app from fabric via Konyfabric option.
Please add more relevant answer for the topic. By lakshmi
ReplyDeleteWow really usefull, You are really awesome bro..
ReplyDeleteThank bro....pray for us...
DeleteAdd FFI,NFI & Custom Widget topics if Possible.
ReplyDeletewill put as soon as possible
DeleteSuthi Vitrukangapa..awosome pls add some more..any way thank you
ReplyDeleteDesign Narruku nu iruke pa..theeya iruke, suthi viduriyeppa.
ReplyDeletebaiiii payasam venuma
ReplyDeletePoision kodu
DeleteHai Bhayya. I need description about Pre & Post Processor.
ReplyDeleteWith any sample exapmle. Not in Android, Basically am from ios.
Thanks in advance.