1.firebase console -> addproject -> create project ->android
2.kony visualizer ->projectSeting ->Native->Android-> packageName->
pushnotification->select GCM.
3.take sha1key from google:
{keytool -list -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android}
take debug keystore from system i.e sdk Path.
4.Cmd la paste.(SHA key gets generated.)
5.Open kpns-> add new app ->Application Name->Application ID we need to generate(note the app id for further use)->App Category :other-> next-> {android} ->GCM/FCM key ## firebase->settings->cloudmesseges
-> Legacy server key-> save##
6.app should be published. ## main point##
7. In kpns Go to api help-> select {JSON} ->now we have baseURL and sample request .go to mfconsole do integration with the help of baseURL and sample request.
8. open kony document kony.push.namespace-> senderid code-> Other coding.
* Name : registerMyAndroidPush
* Author : Kony
* Purpose : This function registers the senderID on the Google cloud.
function registerMyAndroidPush()
var config = {senderid:"4815552342"};
* Name : regSuccessAndroidCallback
* Author : Kony
* Purpose : This function is the callback for the successful registration of the device to the GCM server. It returns the callerID.
function regSuccessAndroidCallback(regId)
kony.print("** JavaScript regSuccessCallback() called **");
* Name : regFailureAndroidCallback
* Author : Kony
* Purpose : This function is the callback for the registration failure to the GCM server.
function regFailureAndroidCallback(errormsg)
kony.print("* JavaScript regFailureCallback() called *");
function onlinePushNotificationAndroidCallback(msg)
kony.print("* JavaScript onlinePushNotificationCallback() called *");
* Name : offlinePushNotificationAndroidCallback
* Author : Kony
* Purpose : This function is the callback for the received push msg event while offline
function offlinePushNotificationAndroidCallback(msg)
kony.print("* JavaScript offlinePushNotificationCallback() called *");
* Name : unregSuccessAndroidCallback
* Author : Kony
* Purpose : This is the callback for the successful unregistration from the GCM server.
function unregSuccessAndroidCallback()
kony.print("* JavaScript unregSuccessCallback() called *");
* Name : unregFailureAndroidCallback
* Author : Kony
* Purpose : This is the callback for the unsuccessful deregistration from the GCM server.
function unregFailureAndroidCallback(errormsg)
kony.print("* JavaScript unregFailureCallback() called *");
* Name : callbackAndroidSetCallbacks
* Author : Kony
* Purpose : This function sets the callback for registration,deregistration and pushnotification events.
function callbackAndroidSetCallbacks()
onsuccessfulregistration: regSuccessAndroidCallback,
onfailureregistration: regFailureAndroidCallback,
onlinenotification: onlinePushNotificationAndroidCallback,
offlinenotification: offlinePushNotificationAndroidCallback,
onsuccessfulderegistration: unregSuccessAndroidCallback,
onfailurederegistration: unregFailureAndroidCallback});
9. Do Changes in coding { Add alert to #function onlinePushNotificationAndroidCallback#, #function regSuccessAndroidCallback#}
10.create other new function and place this two functions 1.function callbackAndroidSetCallbacks 2.function registerMyAndroidPush
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! call this function in postappinit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11.Change sender id in coding. GET from ->firebase.
function pushNotificationNew(){
12.getting device id goto mfconsole ->create new integration and paste base url FROM kpns API help URL and save and create operation (suffix no need).set method post
copy sample request from kpns
"subscriptionService" : {
"subscribe" : {
"sid" : "xxxx",
"appId" : "xxxx",
"ufid" : "xxxx",
"authToken" : "xxxx",
"osType" : "xxxx",
"deviceId" : "xxxx",
"deviceName" : "xxxx"
pass input from (sample sid) from above json.here
"sid" : "123456"(anynumber),
"appId" : ""(autogenerate kpns),
"ufid" : "",
"authToken" : "",
"osType" : "android",
"deviceId" : ""(can got it by ddms),
"deviceName" : ""(your device name)
check by online gcm testing
give device token (device id)
app key(legecy sever key)
message("ha ha")
keytool -list -v -keystore C:\Users\somefolder\.android\debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android
app id:132332-1992211795
2.kony visualizer ->projectSeting ->Native->Android-> packageName->
pushnotification->select GCM.
3.take sha1key from google:
{keytool -list -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android}
take debug keystore from system i.e sdk Path.
4.Cmd la paste.(SHA key gets generated.)
5.Open kpns-> add new app ->Application Name->Application ID we need to generate(note the app id for further use)->App Category :other-> next-> {android} ->GCM/FCM key ## firebase->settings->cloudmesseges
-> Legacy server key-> save##
6.app should be published. ## main point##
7. In kpns Go to api help-> select {JSON} ->now we have baseURL and sample request .go to mfconsole do integration with the help of baseURL and sample request.
8. open kony document kony.push.namespace-> senderid code-> Other coding.
* Name : registerMyAndroidPush
* Author : Kony
* Purpose : This function registers the senderID on the Google cloud.
function registerMyAndroidPush()
var config = {senderid:"4815552342"};
* Name : regSuccessAndroidCallback
* Author : Kony
* Purpose : This function is the callback for the successful registration of the device to the GCM server. It returns the callerID.
function regSuccessAndroidCallback(regId)
kony.print("** JavaScript regSuccessCallback() called **");
* Name : regFailureAndroidCallback
* Author : Kony
* Purpose : This function is the callback for the registration failure to the GCM server.
function regFailureAndroidCallback(errormsg)
kony.print("* JavaScript regFailureCallback() called *");
function onlinePushNotificationAndroidCallback(msg)
kony.print("* JavaScript onlinePushNotificationCallback() called *");
* Name : offlinePushNotificationAndroidCallback
* Author : Kony
* Purpose : This function is the callback for the received push msg event while offline
function offlinePushNotificationAndroidCallback(msg)
kony.print("* JavaScript offlinePushNotificationCallback() called *");
* Name : unregSuccessAndroidCallback
* Author : Kony
* Purpose : This is the callback for the successful unregistration from the GCM server.
function unregSuccessAndroidCallback()
kony.print("* JavaScript unregSuccessCallback() called *");
* Name : unregFailureAndroidCallback
* Author : Kony
* Purpose : This is the callback for the unsuccessful deregistration from the GCM server.
function unregFailureAndroidCallback(errormsg)
kony.print("* JavaScript unregFailureCallback() called *");
* Name : callbackAndroidSetCallbacks
* Author : Kony
* Purpose : This function sets the callback for registration,deregistration and pushnotification events.
function callbackAndroidSetCallbacks()
onsuccessfulregistration: regSuccessAndroidCallback,
onfailureregistration: regFailureAndroidCallback,
onlinenotification: onlinePushNotificationAndroidCallback,
offlinenotification: offlinePushNotificationAndroidCallback,
onsuccessfulderegistration: unregSuccessAndroidCallback,
onfailurederegistration: unregFailureAndroidCallback});
9. Do Changes in coding { Add alert to #function onlinePushNotificationAndroidCallback#, #function regSuccessAndroidCallback#}
10.create other new function and place this two functions 1.function callbackAndroidSetCallbacks 2.function registerMyAndroidPush
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! call this function in postappinit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11.Change sender id in coding. GET from ->firebase.
function pushNotificationNew(){
12.getting device id goto mfconsole ->create new integration and paste base url FROM kpns API help URL and save and create operation (suffix no need).set method post
copy sample request from kpns
"subscriptionService" : {
"subscribe" : {
"sid" : "xxxx",
"appId" : "xxxx",
"ufid" : "xxxx",
"authToken" : "xxxx",
"osType" : "xxxx",
"deviceId" : "xxxx",
"deviceName" : "xxxx"
pass input from (sample sid) from above json.here
"sid" : "123456"(anynumber),
"appId" : ""(autogenerate kpns),
"ufid" : "",
"authToken" : "",
"osType" : "android",
"deviceId" : ""(can got it by ddms),
"deviceName" : ""(your device name)
check by online gcm testing
give device token (device id)
app key(legecy sever key)
message("ha ha")
keytool -list -v -keystore C:\Users\somefolder\.android\debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android
app id:132332-1992211795
Hello, a good option is INDIGITALL, it has been developed with the latest technology to guarantee maximum effectiveness and simplify the process of creating and sending Notifications with an animated image, Segmented, Geolocated and many more functions, it is great. Here you can see the simple installation for your platform
That's amazing informative post, I want to add one more thing, If you want to make your web visitor to your subscriber then you should definitely check gravitec lifetime deal Best push notification for website ever.